When Stress interferes – effects of stress on the body

Stress-a common and regular term. Almost every individual uses the phrase ”I am so stressed!”. Instead of doing something about it, people keep on adding to their ‘Stress pile’.

When our coping skills do not accept the challenges posed on us from the external world(mentally and physically),we say or feel that we are stressed. Stress can be Eustress – that is good stress, which keeps one under pressure but also has a positive outcome. For example, planning for a wedding or a trip can lead to eustress. The other one is Distress-where the threats from the external world can make it detrimental for us and there is no positive outcome. For example, not being able to handle pressure at work and being effected.

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Understanding depression and how to heal

Depression is too heavy a word to be used for sadness. Sadness is a response to an incident or event when one feels bad. Let’s say, a father’s scolding can make the son sad. If one loses one’s precious belongings,it may lead to sadness. A study in Belgium found that compared to 27 other positive and negative human emotions, sadness lasts 240 times longer.

Depression is different. It incorporates a variety of negative moods and behavioral changes. It ranges from a minor feeling of melancholy to a deeply negative view of the world.

It can be dysthymic disorder or a major depressive episode (types of depression). Depression is an emptiness, an unseen pain or a feeling of nothingness. The one who is depressed is on a slow method of self destruction. A persistent feeling of negativity makes depression one of the cruelest of all illnesses. Depression is called ‘Vishada’ in ayurvedic and yogic scriptures. It can hit people irrespective of their financial status, age and educational background. Depression impairs ones’ ability to live happily.

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Causes and Effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) occurs when the effects of an undesirable experiences of an event is felt long after the event has passed. The event can be a personal one or the one that affects many people of a particular area. It is different from the common fears.

The very phrase ‘Post Traumatic Stress Disorder’ says that it is the stress one faces after a traumatic experience. According to Lenore Terr, trauma can be divided into two broad categories.

Type 1 trauma and Type 2 trauma. Type 1 trauma is a single event experienced by the individual (example-a single rape episode). Type 2 trauma is when the individual is exposed to prolonged trauma (example-extensive child abuse).

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